
UseAppStoreConnecttosubmitappsfordistribution,manageyourapps,distributebetaversionsofyourappsusingTestFlight,acceptlegalagreements,enter ...,AddingAppleIDauthenticationdataonBitrise·LogintoBitrise,andselectBitriseCIfromtheleftnavigationmenu.·Intheupperrightcorner,clickthe ...,2022年5月11日—InAppleBusinessEssentials,youfollowfourmainstepsbeforeyoucanmanagedevices.,2022年5月11日—InAppleBusinessM...

App Store Connect workflow

Use App Store Connect to submit apps for distribution, manage your apps, distribute beta versions of your apps using TestFlight, accept legal agreements, enter ...

Connecting to an Apple service with Apple ID

Adding Apple ID authentication data on Bitrise · Log in to Bitrise, and select Bitrise CI from the left navigation menu. · In the upper right corner, click the ...

Device workflow in Apple Business Essentials

2022年5月11日 — In Apple Business Essentials, you follow four main steps before you can manage devices.

Device workflow in Apple Business Manager

2022年5月11日 — In Apple Business Manager, you follow four main steps before you can manage devices.

Workflow教學:iPhone一鍵實現AppStore帳號跨區或跳至 ...

App Store 有時最令人煩惱的問題就是Apple ID 帳號會莫迷奇妙跑到其它國家去,導致整個選單都是別國語系,但要怎麼回到台灣商店呢?如果你正面臨跨區或跨國家問題, ...